Hey there! Well, it's been quite a while since I've written here. I wanted to let you all know that we have added carpet stretching for our Franklin, TN carpet cleaning clients! We also offer this carpet stretching service for Brentwood and other surrounding service areas. Carpet Stretching: What is it?In the most simple terms, carpet stretching is getting all the wrinkles out of your carpet and stretching it back to as close as it was when you first got it. Most people that have had carpet for a long time might notice that the carpet in their home is stretched out and wrinkled in some areas. Carpet stretching allows us to help rid you of this annoyance and save some of the life left in your carpet. It just another step to make our professional carpet cleaning service incredible for you! Why should I get my carpet stretched?Aside from the aesthetic issue of the carpet, carpets that are wrinkled come with an inherent risk of tripping you, your family members or guests. Imagine the perfect holiday that you have with friends and family that come over. Then, imagine what it would look like if one of them had to make a visit to the ER because they fell over a wrinkle. Our carpet stretching professionals are certified and trained to fix this issue for you. If we can't do it, we will tell. What is even more awesome about our service is that we will educate you and answer all of your questions along the way. Although we can not make the carpet new, our carpet cleaning and carpet stretching service can make it fell almost new again!
Don't wait any longer! Call us today to schedule your carpet cleaning, carpet stretching and even upholtery cleaning today! Call Dan at: 615-905-6292
Human Coronavirus reported in Williamson County South of Nashville.The first case of the coronavirus in Tennesse was confirmed by the Tennessee Department of Health today. Where most of Williamson County was spared from the Nashville Tornadoes, this is not so with the coronavirus. There is a case that was confirmed of a male in his 40's carry the coronavirus. Fox news reports that he has been quarantined with his family members inside of his home and they are all being monitored. What worries me here is that this man has been here in Tennesse for four or five days and we are just now learning about his diagnosis. This virus can be spread before symptoms appear. It's scary! Even though this patient has a mild case of the coronavirus, it doesn't make me any less cautious. On top of that, the Williamson County Schools are shutting down for a deep clean. Franklin Special School District Closes down after reports of Coronavirus in Williamson County TennesseeI just received a call about two hours ago letting me know that the Franklin Special School District in Tennessee is shutting down to do a deep cleaning. This is how I found out about the man with the cornoavirus in our county. It got me thinking that I need to make sure I help my family, friends and clients too! Help to Disinfect Your Home From Cornoavirus in Williamson CountyAside from taking mad precautions in using hand sanitizers and wiping down surfaces, and wearing masks, do not take for granted the amount of microbials that hide out in your home. I recommend my carpet cleaning services along with the add on of Benefect.
I highly recommend our Benefect product that is added on to a house or office deep clean. This product adds another layer of protection for you. It is a bactericide and a virucide. In addition to that, I use water that is over 212 degrees to kill bacteria. This product is 99.99% effective in killing bacteria. Why kill bacteria? Bacteria can actually act as a reservoir for creating more viral DNA or RNA. It is better safe than sorry! Call me today and schedule your disinfectant cleaning today: 615-905-6292 No matter how hard you try to clean your carpets and keep them that way, there is going to be a time when your flooring will fall victim to stains and spills. Accidents happen!
Find out how to keep your carpet looking new with the carpet cleaning tips below: Tip #1 – Blot, Don’t Rub When the stain does happen, use a white clothe and mild cleaning solution to dab the stains. The key is being patient and blotting the stain up. If you end up rubbing the stains, you will end up grinding the particles of the stain into the carpet fibers and cause them to break down faster. Tip #2 – Try Club Soda If your stain is from wine or beer, then try some club soda! Remember to blot only. It may help to allow the club soda to lie on the stained area for up to 10 minutes. Once the stain is gone, be sure to rinse the area with water. Once dry, use your hand to brush the carpet fibers back into place. Tip#3 – Ice it! If you accidentally get chewing gum on your carpet, go to the freezer! To remove gum from carpet, you simply freeze the gum for about 30 seconds. Once the gum is frozen, you can lift if up from the carpet .You may need to cut some of the fibers. If you do, cut as close to the gum as possible to prevent the spot from being noticeable. Tip #4 – Use Regular Dish Detergent If the stain is from grease, regular dish soap is able to break it down. Mix water and a couple drops of dish soap onto the stain, then use a dry clothe to blot it up. Do this repeatedly until the stain is gone. Tip #5 – Try Shaving Cream! Sometimes the weirdest things will help remove stains from carpets Try to put shaving cream on the stain and allow it to set for about 45 minutes. Once the cream is set, blot it with a dry cloth. You can then wipe up any residual with a 50/50 mix of vinegar and water Tip #6 – Use an Iron for Wax If your cancel spilled, grab yourself a cloth and an iron. Place the cloth over the wax and then use the iron to melt the wax through the cloth. As the wax heats up, it will soak up the stain as it melts. Be careful not to leave the iron in any spot for too long because you can melt the carpet fibers. Tip #7 – Pet Stain? Use stain removers that are made specifically for pet stains. They have specific enzymes that break down the molecules that set in from pet stains and allow you to remove them from your carpet. Tip #8 – Blood Stain? Hydrogen Perioxide is excellent in getting rid of blood stains on all sorts of fibers. Use the solution of hydrogen peroxide and blot it up. Once the stain is gone, rinse with water. Hygrogen Perioxide can bleach fabrics and skin. Be sure to rinse to avoid this. Tip #9 – Vacuum Crumbs Immediately If anything is spilled that is dry on the carpet, be sure to pick it up promptly. Leaving it will allow it to crush in with the fibers and can cause stains. Tip #10 – Hire Our Fabulous Carpet Cleaning Services in Franklin! Carpet cleaning is a must to keeping your carpets looking new. We use top of the line carpet cleaning solutions and machines to extract the dirt and stain making materials from your carpets/flooring. Our Miraculous Carpet Care is able to penetrate deep into your carpet fibers to remove oil, grease, dirst, soil and more! We recommend having us come to your home every six months to keep your carpet in tip top shape! If you have carpet in your home, you know how quickly it can fall victim to stains and dirt. This is especially true if you have kids or pets! It doesn't matter how careful you are to avoid carpet stains, with the way we move around from day to day, it's bound to happen that you will get undesirable spots on the carpet or stains on the upholstery you love! Stains, don't have to be to bad and most times, if you catch them in time, you can get rid of them. But, have you ever thought about smells? Have you ever stopped to think about your carpet smell or the smell of your upholstered furniture? Perhaps you're not aware of them because you are around them so often! Upholstery and carpet, just like clothes, can begin to harbor a scent after a while. It's just a normal part of living with a family! Don't worry thought! Smelly carpet can only lead to a smelly house if you don't do anything about it! Miraculous Carpet Cleaning Services are here to help you find the best way to keep your carpets smelling fresh! Just check out the ideas below! The How To Home Remedy for Freshening Carpets:Here are some easy ways that you can breathe new life into your flooring and the air inside your home. These are easy to do and won't take the whole day or break the bank! Try a mix of baking soda and essential oil! (We love lavender!). (Note: Do not use toxic oils, such as tea tree oil, as it can be toxic to children and pets) Step 1: Mix 1/2 cup of baking soda with 17 drops of essential oil. Step 2: Pour this into a container that is similar to a Parmesan cheese container or spice container. Step 3: Sprinkle this very lightly over the carpet. Step 4: Let it sit momentarily (about 10 minutes), then vacuum it up! That's it! Do-it-Yourself Carpet Freshener 1. Get a spray bottle and pour white vinegar into it. 2. Spray the vinegar onto the carpet. 3. Let it dry. That's it! How to Keep Your House Fresh Smelling! Check out these great fresh smelling home tips! 1. Use an essential oil diffuser! - Oils are a great way to eliminate odors in a home! All you need is 4 to 5 drops of oil and mix it with water and spray it if you do not have a diffuser. You can spray it on your pillows/linens and more! Lemon, orange and citrus are great scents to help freshen a space. 2. Use a crockpot! - Fill your crockpot halfway with water. Fill it with your favorite essential oils or the peels of citrus fruits! Keep the crockpot on the lowest setting and leave the lid off so the aroma can penetrate the air in your home. 3. Don't ignore your garbage disposal - Use orange or lemon peels with baking soda to grind up in our garbage disposal. The acids from the peels will help to get rid of any goo that may be hanging out in there! If your home carpet needs more than just the do-it-yourself carpet cleaning solution, don't hesitate to call Dan and the team at Miraculous Carpet Care! We are here to help you make the best decision for your home. From carpet shampoo, air duct cleaning, water extraction and more, our carpet cleaning services are here to help you stay fresh!
![]() As I'm sitting here, I'm thinking about what it's like to live in Franklin, TN as the rain falls down. I think about my carpet cleaning service and think about the opportunity that comes with rain. Where most people might dread a rainy day, I have grown to love them! Not only do they help the greenery in our area start to push out their buds and prepare for Spring, they refresh the areas that have laid stagnant for awhile. I love seeing the water go from a trickle to a roar at the waterfall by Southwinds Apartment buildings as I drive by on my way to Kroger. I can't help but smile to notice the flowers slowly starting to perk up and peak out from their winter hiding along the way. As much good as I can see with rain, there are also some annoying things that come when it rains here and that is mainly the mud! Mud in and of itself isn't so bad. It reminds me of my childhood days playing in mud puddles and trying to convince my childhood friends to eat mud pies. However, now as an adult with a very carpeted home and hardwood floors, I often lose my patience with mud. What is it about mud that, as an adult, I can't stand? Let's take a look: What is in Mud?As a parent of three very active kids, I can't help but cringe when I think about what might actually be lurking in mud. One too many times, I've experienced the domino effect of a virus or bacterial outbreak in my home and I diligently work to prevent them these days! Mud presents a challenge. Kids are attracted to mud and in these days of high technology and indoor living, I almost want to encourage my kids to get out there and get dirty....but I am a little picky as to where and when they play. Not all mud is made the same. Mud is made of all sorts of things. Mainly mud is made from the soil and water when it rains. Within that concoction of loveliness lies little living critters, bacteria and, depending on where you live, could contain toxic elements. If you live in a more urban area, mud likely has more pollutants in it than in a more rural area. Mud, being made with the local runoff water, will collect and harbor whatever has made it's way to it. Not only that, mud could contain harsh chemicals that have been poured down from above by toxic rain. You could argue, mud isn't as safe as it use to be. It certainly doesn't belong in your home. If it dries and becomes powered, it is more easily moved around in your home (bacteria and all) and can work it's way into your air and air ducts, thereby creating an indoor environmental hazard in your home. Is Mud always bad?I suppose if I'm going to tear mud down, I do need to consider that it also has benefits and perhaps build it back up a bit. That's only fair right? Mud has quite a few endearing qualities. Some of these have actually been harnessed in the past few years! Here is a list of how mud is actually loved in our society: 1. Mud bath - Mud has been used for thousands of years at spas all around the world. Of course, this is a special type of mud. Mud for spas is frequently created from volcanic ash and spring water. There is even mud that is used by board-certified dermatologist in the medical field. There is even a special mud that has been used to treat arthritis! 2. Mudding - One of the more favored reasons to love mud among many southern truck and jeep owners is mudding. It's loved in this off-road motorsport as a challenge to show off whose driving skills and vehicle can master tyrannical soil. 3. Mud Wallow - This is just your favorite mud space near your home or other place where you might take the kids to play. Mud wallows are also favored by large boars or farm animals on a hot day. You usually find mud wallows in areas that are lower in the ground after a good rain storm. 4. Mud Run - If you're an adventurer and athletic opportunity seeker, you surely have heard of or even have participated in a Mud Run. Mud runs have become increasingly popular over the past several years. Participants essential run about 3 to 10 miles while having to crawl through mud wallows, mud bogs and climb over obstacles. When done, it's not uncommon to see muddy faces and bodies with big huge smiles. It is quite a sight. While all these mud qualities do sound awesome, it doesn't change that fact that mud absolutely doesn't have a place in your home. At the end of the day, it's still mud and most of it still harbors things we do not want in our home. Why Mud and Carpet Do Not Mix:Mud presents a stain challenge. In Middle Tennessee, we have a lot of iron and clay in our mud and this creates two issues. First, the clay like property allows the mud to resist cleaning. It actually will repel water longer than your average everyday dirt stain. Secondly, the iron in the mud will create a reddish brown stain that will stand out on most carpets. These two properties combined create for a frustrating challenge! How to get Mud out of CarpetThe steps to get mud out of your carpet may take a little longer than you think. Of course, being Franklin's Best Carpet Cleaner, I'd love for you to give me a call! But, if you are set on solving your soil problem on your own, please for the sake of your carpet, follow these steps:
1. DO NOT TOUCH THE MUD! Yes, that's right. Let it dry. Remember the clay and the iron? Constrain it's ability to move in your carpet by not providing it any more water to move about. Let the mud dry first. You might be tempted to scrub it, I urge you to just let it be. If you must do something, only blot very gently. 2. Pick up the large pieces of the dried mud and then get out the vacuum cleaner. Vacuum slowly to remove the maximum amount of mud you can in the first pass. Then move quickly back and forth and side to side and diagonal in all ways. This will allow the fibers to move in different directions and the mud to release. Pass over the mud area at least 17 times. 3. Once you have removed all the dirt (dried mud) that you can, now you can use a detergent. To get rid of the carpet stains, start by mixing a tsp of dish washing detergent with a cup of water should do the trick. 4. BLOT the area with a white cloth. You use white so you can see if there is anything left. Do this until the stain is gone. You may have to use several white towels. 5. Blot the area dry with paper towels. 6. If you still have mud stains in your carpet, CALL ME. I'll help you remove the mud stain from your carpet using my professional carpet cleaning equipment and my years of soil and stain removal experience.
Winter AllergensIn the winter, the temperatures often plummet to levels that you would suspect would bring an end to all summer pollens and thus seasonal allergies. However, millions of people actually suffer from what we call winter allergies and these are due to the allergens found in the home and the fact that more time is spent in the home during this time. The forced-air furnaces in homes often contain lint, bacteria, dust mite debris, food materials and animal dander. Some of the most common indoor allergens are house dust mites, pet dander and cockroach excrement. These allergens are worse in the winter usually because there is less ventilation. With less ventilation in the home, the furnace blower continually recirculates tainted air. Symptoms of Indoor Allergies
How to Minimize Indoor Allergen ExposureIn order to minimize your exposure to indoor allergens during the indoor allergen season, you must take the approach of prevention. Here are some ways to keep you home as allergen proof as you can during the winter months:
How To Clean Carpet the right way - a Series of four lessons on Miraculous carpet cleaning11/10/2019 Do you know how to clean carpet? To some people this is common sense. Why in the world do you need a carpet cleaning service to tell you how to clean carpet. It's simple as picking up a vacuum cleaner and just using it right? Well, that depends on what type of carpet you need to clean and how much of a mess you need to clean up. So as silly at it may sound to question the ways in which and how to actually clean carpet, it's not a common sense thing for everyone in every situation. In this blog article, we will provide you with a great guide on how to clean carpet and guide you to the right place or right action to keep your carpet fresh and clean! There are four basic recommendations we have to cleaning your carpet. Check them out below. Lesson #1: How to Clean Carpet with The Vacuum the Right WayVacuuming your carpet is the first step in ensuring you have a clean carpet. It's importance for both the appearance and the indoor air environment to keep your carpet vacuumed and kept up to clean fresh standards. Stains are often a result of left debris on carpet. Not only can they be unsightly, they can also hold onto allergens and microbial organisms that affect the breathing quality of your home. Molds and bacteria love a carpet that isn't vacuumed. To Vacuum properly there are a few steps you need to take.
Lesson #3: How to Clean Carpet with Carpet ShampooIf you had made it through the How to Clean Carpet lesson #1 and #2 and you still have not resolved your stain issue, it's time to consider carpet shampoo. Shampooing your carpet is when you purchase, rent or pay a carpet shampooer to be used in your home. When is comes to carpet shampooing, we of course recommend Miraculous Carpet Care. Our materials are kept up and have a more powerful extraction than that which you can rent or buy for use in your home. In addition, our carpet shampoo process comes with a carpet cleaning service technician with many years of priceless experience to ensure that your mess is not exacerbated when the carpets are cleaned. Still, we find it educational to let you know of your own carpet shampoo option. Below are the steps to shampooing your own carpets. If you choose to skip this step altogether and want us to help you, then by all means pick up the phone and give us a call. We'd be delighted to help you with your carpet conundrum. Call 615-905-6292 Below are the steps to Shampooing or Steam Cleaning your Carpet:
Lesson #4 How to Clean Carpet Using the Preventative MethodAlthough this carpet cleaning method doesn't help us as a carpet cleaning company to make money, this is by far our favorite step!
Why? Because if you can keep your carpets clean, then when you do need us, this makes our job so much better. Your carpets will stay in tip top shape and you will have a longer living carpet and a better investment in your home! We like it when our clients take care of themselves and we are just needed as an extra little boost! Here are some idea to help prevent carpet soiling messes in the first place:
Today we address the Carpet Stain Protector that we offer and discuss some of the other types of stain protection you may encounter in your lifetime. Usually when you go to buy a piece of upholstered furniture or carpet, you are offered some form or warranty or stain protection. How many times have you stopped to wonder, "Is it really worth it?". This is the question we will attempt to answer for you today! We offer carpet stain protection and of course we'd love it if everyone got it, but it goes beyond our company to just make a buck. Carpet stain protection offers a variety of benefits to those wise home and business owners who are willing to allow us to help them enhance their flooring in this way. What are the advantages of a Carpet Stain Protector?Perhaps the more obvious advantage of a carpet stain protector is that is helps to ward off stains from becoming a permanent spot on your carpet or upholstery. There are also some more benefits that you may not be aware of. Check out some great benefit of adding a carpet stain protector to your carpet cleaning services:
What are some disadvantages of Carpet Stain Protector?
Should I get Carpet Stain Protection?In our humble opinion, those of us at Miraculous Carpet Care believe that carpet stain protection is an easy YES!
That being said, we like to empower our clients and readers to make the best decisions for themselves. If you have read this and have decided that you want to take advantage of the benefits of carpet stain protection spray, then give us a call: 615-905-6292 and let's get you on the books to a more stain resistant life today! On the other hand, if you had read this and have decided that you do not want to have carpet stain protection, that's ok too! We can still offer you a superior carpet cleaning service without the use of the spray and we won't think any less of you for doing it! We love our clients and honor their decisions! If you have found this article helpful: Please SHARE and LIKE! :) |
AuthorThe finest carpet cleaning services blog is written by creative local Franklin talent. Archives
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