Carpet Cleaning PowderCarpet cleaning powder is a fine dust particle powder that you place on the floor and either let set or scrub in. Are these powders good for your home?
Let's find out! Carpet cleaning powders are sometimes mistaken for carpet deodorizing powders and they are not the same thing, although some will have the same adverse effects as the other. Both are fine particulates that you put on your carpet. So one of the major things to consider with using these powders is the health of the people in your home. Fine particles can easily uplift and become airborne in the home and thus become a part of your breathing air. This is not good for our delicate lungs. Whether or not the particle is a deodorizer of cleaner does not matter. Foreign objects in the lungs can and have been known to cause problems. For this reason, if you choose to use any sort of powders for cleaning in your home, we highly recommend that you wear a mask that can filter out the particulates. This problem is especially important to consider if person in the home have breathing ailments already such as asthma. Another problem with using carpet cleaning powders is that they are so fine that they actually will clog up the pores within your vacuum bag early on which lowers the performance of the machine and ruins the bag for proper cleaning. If you choose to use carpet cleaning powders, ensure that you have extra vacuum bags on hand. If you add water to the carpet cleaning powders, then it is no longer considered a powder and you do no have to worry about the powders floating in the air during the process. You will, however, have to worry once the product is dried if you do not soak it up afterwards. Even after you've soaked it up, there is still residual powder left that will have to be vacuum after all of the water has dissipated. The most popular carpet cleaning powder is probably Resolve Carpet Cleaner which is a moist carpet powder that you place on the stain or carpet and then you rub it in with a hard bristle brush. The bristle brush has the potential to ruin the carpet fibers of your carpet or area rug if you perform the task incorrectly. The powder basically is intended to adhere to any dirt and therefore giving it more bulk to suck up into your vacuum. We do not recommend using carpet cleaning powders. |
Why we don't recommend Carpet Cleaning PowdersUsing carpet powders can actually set in stains and cause a lot of havoc on your carpet fibers.
In addition, if you do not have a strong enough vacuum or vacuum improperly, then you will leave the residue and more dirt can collect on the powder and the stain and provide little places where bacteria and molds can take safe harbor. We have written an article on how to clean carpets to help you somewhat on this end to prevent dirt build up, but even with that, carpet powder has a lot of potential to go wrong when you use it. Because it is nearly impossible to vacuum up carpet cleaning powder, our carpet cleaning services of Franklin TN do not recommend them. Call us today to find out alternative to using carpet cleaning powder: 615-905-6292 |